Saturday, July 30, 2011

In theory, we should embrace the weirdness of people, as it adds colour to the spectrum of personalities out there, right? If everyone were the same, life would just be too monotonous right? (Or maybe it'd be better for you cos everyone agrees with you, feeds their own ego and thus yours at the same time)

Then why is it that when we actually meet people slightly weirder, more out of place, we reject them?

Do we need to expand our own acceptability range, or are some people just too weird to exist wtf?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wow it really doesn't pay to look at old photos. To see how seriously fat your face has become T_T. What are some face slimming secrets that anyone can pass on to me wtf.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling disoriented going back to uni? I dunno, I just sorta feel out of sync, distracted.

I'm not even sure if it's the still in holiday mode thing. It never really goes away, this feeling. I know now that it never really goes away. This distracted sense of being. I never really feel that I'm in my element. Why can't the fuck I just be a robot that functions productively, efficiently, day by day? Why the fuck must I be bogged down by my stupid moods and emotions that make no sense at all? Why am I so susceptible to these feelings and thoughts that cause me to become this pathetic stupid creature? Are all these just excuses to not do stuff?

Sigh. I guess I need to learn to stop asking what's wrong with myself cos lord knows there won't be an end to that.

Day by day, I'm just haunted by my own incompetency and non-productivity...